Friday, October 24, 2014

Project 2-Framing And Composition

For Project 2, we were given a list of photography terms that we had to photograph (diagonals, leading lines, close up, filling the frame, frame within a frame, rule of thirds, birds view, and bugs eye view) I was determined to photograph my own photos to fit each term and make them unique. We went on several different walking field trips to the Pearl District to photograph the beauty of downtown Portland. It gave me a great opportunity to take pictures of, buildings, nature, signs, and the Portland atmosphere. I chose the ones I'am posting because I thought they fit each criteria in a different way and they had a different look behind them which made it interesting to me. I wanted to edit these photos to make them all stand out from one another so I mostly changed the highlighted color in the background, changed it to black and white or, changed the saturation and clarity so that you could tell the detail throughout each photograph.

 Leading Lines
 Bug's Eye View
 Frame Within A Frame
 Rule Of Thirds
 Bird's Eye View
 Close Up

Filling The Frame