Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stop Motion Final Project the video we emulated

We decided to emulate a stop motion in which it's all about cooking and the aspect of cooking. We liked this idea of adding food into our stop motion so we chose to do cupcakes and how they make themselves. We also decided to add a storyline behind this emulation compared to the video we are emulating in which there was not a storyline behind it. We added some dialogue within this stop motion film and emotions of these cupcakes almost like they are impersonating reality except as cupcakes. I thought it would be unique because its not too serious and not too silly and contrast the both. Because they are just cupcakes making themselves we all thought it would be cool to add that and this stop motion captured that aspect because it has a clear storyline of these non human like objects and the content of it portraying real life seemed fun to create. Although the plot isn't too serious, it shows happiness within which is the main point of our stop motion animation. Overall, it was a very fun project to do and I love how we displayed certain techniques within this and I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog PreWork

Fine Art Portraits

By, Irving Penn

By, Paula O'Hara

I really liked the tone these two images had behind it. The black and white somewhat brings out the contrast and their features which I love. It captures the main aspect. It also brings out their characteristics to life. Overall, I loved the lighting that both of these portraits contain and the way they are both taken/portrayed.

Magazine covers

By, Alberto Leyva

By, Victor Lacerrieu

I loved these two magazine covers because they both capture very different styles. One tends to be more artsy and filled with vibrant colors to capture the essence of her face and the second one is more simplistic yet brings it to life with just subtle colors which I personally find very interesting. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Project 8- Surrealism and Photomontage

For Project 8, our task was to combine five different components for three different photographs. I was inspired by different aspects of this project and decided to take some pictures of animals while at the zoo and add to different landscape backgrounds. I edited the contrast a little bit to make it took realistic but overall I didn't edit too much. Overall, it was a fun project. 

Monday, March 9, 2015


Surrealism is a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.

Adrian Limani 

Antonio Mora