Friday, December 5, 2014

Project 4-Balance and Contrast

For Project 4 (Balance and Contrast), our task was to take a few pictures that were different and somewhat similar and to be able to tell a story with diptych's and triptych's. Also, we were able to create different types of kaleidoscopes using images we took on the walking field trip to PSU. I took photos of a wall that had a unique look to it a piece of artwork I saw and, a bench. I had a lot of fun creating diptych's triptych's and, kaleidoscope's using cool effects. I mostly changed, the brightness,  background color and clarity. I did this to show the contrast between the diptychs and triptychs. I mostly changed the background color for the kaleidoscopes. I took these photos near PSU (kaleidoscopes and diptych's). My triptych's I took in California over Thanksgiving break at the Rose Bowl Stadium. I thought it was a cool atmosphere so I decided to snap a few pics.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mood Photo

For this photo I brought out the background such as the clouds by highlighting the blue and purple colors. I thought this really showed the mood and made it a calm and peaceful setting to the image. 

Project 3- Color and Grids

For this project we had to explore a variety of colors. We used certain colors to highlight main aspects of the photo we had taken. We figured out how color affects the mood and how it can be used for emphasis on an image. Once we had a photos, we were able tog on light room and use all these techniques with color to make grids.

cool color

color complement
warm color
