Friday, December 5, 2014

Project 4-Balance and Contrast

For Project 4 (Balance and Contrast), our task was to take a few pictures that were different and somewhat similar and to be able to tell a story with diptych's and triptych's. Also, we were able to create different types of kaleidoscopes using images we took on the walking field trip to PSU. I took photos of a wall that had a unique look to it a piece of artwork I saw and, a bench. I had a lot of fun creating diptych's triptych's and, kaleidoscope's using cool effects. I mostly changed, the brightness,  background color and clarity. I did this to show the contrast between the diptychs and triptychs. I mostly changed the background color for the kaleidoscopes. I took these photos near PSU (kaleidoscopes and diptych's). My triptych's I took in California over Thanksgiving break at the Rose Bowl Stadium. I thought it was a cool atmosphere so I decided to snap a few pics.

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