Friday, December 5, 2014

Project 4-Balance and Contrast

For Project 4 (Balance and Contrast), our task was to take a few pictures that were different and somewhat similar and to be able to tell a story with diptych's and triptych's. Also, we were able to create different types of kaleidoscopes using images we took on the walking field trip to PSU. I took photos of a wall that had a unique look to it a piece of artwork I saw and, a bench. I had a lot of fun creating diptych's triptych's and, kaleidoscope's using cool effects. I mostly changed, the brightness,  background color and clarity. I did this to show the contrast between the diptychs and triptychs. I mostly changed the background color for the kaleidoscopes. I took these photos near PSU (kaleidoscopes and diptych's). My triptych's I took in California over Thanksgiving break at the Rose Bowl Stadium. I thought it was a cool atmosphere so I decided to snap a few pics.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mood Photo

For this photo I brought out the background such as the clouds by highlighting the blue and purple colors. I thought this really showed the mood and made it a calm and peaceful setting to the image. 

Project 3- Color and Grids

For this project we had to explore a variety of colors. We used certain colors to highlight main aspects of the photo we had taken. We figured out how color affects the mood and how it can be used for emphasis on an image. Once we had a photos, we were able tog on light room and use all these techniques with color to make grids.

cool color

color complement
warm color


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Color Post

Mood: I think the photographer used the amount of light they had in this field to set the mood and really create a dark yet relaxing mood to this image. 

Tone: The photographer used the reflection of the tree's around the water to set the tone. This tone is soothing yet brings out the color around the image. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Project 2-Framing And Composition

For Project 2, we were given a list of photography terms that we had to photograph (diagonals, leading lines, close up, filling the frame, frame within a frame, rule of thirds, birds view, and bugs eye view) I was determined to photograph my own photos to fit each term and make them unique. We went on several different walking field trips to the Pearl District to photograph the beauty of downtown Portland. It gave me a great opportunity to take pictures of, buildings, nature, signs, and the Portland atmosphere. I chose the ones I'am posting because I thought they fit each criteria in a different way and they had a different look behind them which made it interesting to me. I wanted to edit these photos to make them all stand out from one another so I mostly changed the highlighted color in the background, changed it to black and white or, changed the saturation and clarity so that you could tell the detail throughout each photograph.

 Leading Lines
 Bug's Eye View
 Frame Within A Frame
 Rule Of Thirds
 Bird's Eye View
 Close Up

Filling The Frame

Friday, September 19, 2014

Downtown Portland Photography (Project 1)

The subject I chose was, buildings. I took these four photos at Director's Park in downtown Portland.  I went and found different kinds of interesting buildings that had a unique/different look to them. I decided to add brightness and take away brightness for some of them. I wanted some to look somewhat vintage/black and white and the others I wanted to make the colors pop just to add a different taste to it.

The second subject I chose was, designs that I found on walls in Portland. I wanted to take pictures of different angles and make the design really stand out. I decided to use HDR with a lower brightness in some of the pictures and then I added a somewhat dramatic effect to the rest.

Monday, September 15, 2014

My Summer

This summer I went to Boston Massachusetts for a week. I love the east coast so it was a lot of fun being able to be there. I saw some great universities while I was there like, Harvard and M.I.T. It was a really inspiring experience for me. I also went to a Red Sox baseball game at Fenway park, which was a lot of fun. When I got back to Portland I just hung out with friends and enjoyed the summer weather.

In July, my family decided to go to Los Angeles for a month to visit family. The second week that i was there, we stayed at a beach house in Oxnard, California and were pretty much hanging out at the beach the entire time. i met some really great people and enjoyed the trip a lot. 

In August, my friends invited me on a camping trip for the weekend before school started. I've always loved camping so it was fun and a very relaxing trip.